Display Filters
The display can be filtered from the Options menu according to Symbol Type and Origin, and also according to the symbol's intended scope of use, which is defined as follows:
Public symbols are accessible to any user of a module or instance. These are names that have no leading underscores, such as Print or kMaxListLength.
Semi-Private symbols are intended for use only within related modules or from sub-classes or closely related classes. These are names that have one leading underscore, such as _NotifyError or _gMaxCount. Python doesn't enforce usage of these symbols, except to omit them in from mod import *. However, they are helpful in writing clean, well-structured code and are recommended in PEP 8.
Private symbols are intended to be private to a module or class. These are names that have two leading underscores, such as __ConstructNameList or __id_seed. Python omits these in from mod import *. When used in classes, they cannot be accessed from outside of the methods of the class where they are defined. See PEP 8 for details.