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Wing's editor supports structural folding for Python, C, C++, Java, Javascript, HTML, JSON, Eiffel, Lisp, Ruby, and a number of other file types. This allows you to visually collapse logical hierarchical sections of code while you are working in other parts of the file.

Editor Fold Margin

When folding is enabled, a fold margin appears to the left of editors that contain a file type that can be folded. Left-clicking on marks in this margin collapses or expands that fold point.

You can also hold down the following key modifiers while left-clicking, to modify the folding behavior:

Shift while clicking on a fold point expands that point and all its children recursively, so that the maximum level of expansion is increased by one.

Ctrl while clicking on a fold point collapses that point and all its children recursively so that the maximum level of expansion is decreased by one.

Ctrl-Shift while clicking on an expanded fold point collapses all child fold points recursively. When the clicked fold point is later re-expanded, its children will appear collapsed. Ctrl-Shift-click on a collapsed fold point forces re-expansion of all children recursively to maximum depth.

Folding Menus

Right-clicking anywhere on the fold margin displays a context menu with folding operations:

Toggle Fold collapses or expands the fold point.

Collapse More collapses the current fold point one more level.

Expand More expands the current fold point one more level.

Collapse Completely collapses all children recursively.

Expand Completely expands all children recursively to maximum depth.

Collapse All collapses the entire file recursively.

Expand All expands the entire file recursively.

Fold Python Methods collapses all methods in all classes in the file.

Fold Python Classes collapses all classes in the file.

Fold Python Classes and Defs collapses all classes and top-level function definitions in the file.

These are also available in the Folding section of the Source menu, where each menu item indicates the key equivalents assigned to the operation in your current Keyboard Personality. Items in this menu operate on the first fold point found in the current editor selection or on the current line.

Folding Preferences

You can turn folding on and off and adjust the style and color of fold marks with the Editor > Folding preferences.